Winterise Your Lawn - MowersUK

Winter Lawn Preparation

As winter sets in, now is the ideal time to prepare your lawn for the colder months ahead.

With the recent chill in the air, it’s clear that our focus should shift towards protecting and maintaining our lawns during this season.

At MowersUK, we understand that a healthy lawn needs care all year round. Regardless of the time of year, there are always steps you can take to keep your lawn thriving.

Even as temperatures drop, grass continues to grow. While many plants go dormant during winter, grass is unique – if it’s still growing, it still needs mowing and care. Once the air temperature consistently falls below 10 degrees Celsius, it’s usually time to put the mower away for the season.  

Servicing your machine before winter storage protects it from the cold, which means it can last longer, perform better in the spring and be mowing-ready for the first cut!

A little preparation now will make a big difference when spring arrives. With some extra care, your lawn can endure even the harshest winter weather. Follow these straightforward steps to ensure your lawn stays in top condition:

Mow When Necessary

If your grass is still growing, continue mowing – but avoid cutting it too short. Gradually reduce the height with each mow until the final cut, aiming to leave the grass at around two inches in length. Ensure your mower blades are sharp to help maintain the health of your lawn, and it is best to avoid cutting if the grass is too wet to prevent tyre track damage.

Aerate When Conditions Allow

If the weather is dry, hollow-tine aeration is ideal. Clear away the cores but don’t worry about filling the holes; they’ll aid moisture movement through the soil.  Did you know you can hire an aerator from us?

Apply Ferrous Sulphate

This helps lock in essential nutrients, strengthens your turf, and prevents moss growth. A perfect treatment over the coming months!

Tidy and Shape

Keep edges neat, and use turf (rather than seeds) for quick repairs. This ensures your lawn stays in great shape even during winter.

Clear Fallen Leaves

Fallen leaves can trap moisture and encourage disease. Remove them promptly and prune back overhanging branches to improve sunlight access in shady areas.

Avoid Walking on the Grass 

Frosty lawns are delicate – walking on them can bruise the grass and cause damage. Instead, enjoy a warm cup of tea indoors while planning your garden for next year.

By following these tips, your lawn will stay healthy and ready to bounce back beautifully in spring. A little winter care goes a long way! 

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